THURSDAY 06/15/2023, 06:00 p.m.
DURATION: 06/15/2023, 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
»... particular attention should be drawn to the aesthetical properties of gold and silver, which make them the natural material for pomp, ornament, glamour, the requirements of festive occasions, in short, the positive expression of supra abundance and wealth. They appear, so to speak, as solidified light raised from a subterranean world, since all the rays of light in their original composition are reflected by silver, while RED alone, the colour of the highest potency, is reflected by gold. Sense of colour, moreover, is the most popular form of aesthetic perception in general ...« (MEW 13, 130)

RED - [...] that is the reflection of gold, the natural material of money [] Apart from that, it also means wealth according to the forefather of all the Reds, probably implying that the EMPIRE OF FREEDOM can only be founded on a globally achieved prosperity for all. In order to achieve this, another red is necessary, that of revolution [...].
Out of the gathering of innumerable formations of red in the exhibition, the RED almost pounces at the reader like a chaos bubbling with creativity, needing only to be raised to the level of consciousness in order to conquer, in its revolutionised form, reality.
(Friedrich TOMBERG, Vehlefanz, Germany, 2015)
The Collection

Schiffamtsgasse 17, A 1020 Vienna/ Austria/ Europe
(Accsessible by U2 Taborstrasse and/ or U4 Schottenring/ Exit U2 Herminengasse)
Phone: +43 676 3409218, Email: