
OPENING: Tuesday September 7, 2021, 7:00 PM

Preface: Gue SCHMIDT (MAG3)

To the works: Claudia MONGINI (Philosopher)

DURATION: 07.09.–01.10.2021
OPENING HOURS: TUES. - FRI., 5:00 p.m.- 8:00 p.m.

Alongside her videos and sound installations, media artist Anja Wiese's drawings call for consideration as a distinct, independent set of works on a par with the former. These are memorable drawings, cogent in their consistent rigour, impressive in their wide gamut and richness of subject.

Hardly a day passes without Wiese taking to her sketchbooks, to capture now personal and private experience, now occurrences in world politics, the turns of society or images of the stars of the entertainment industry. Her visual resources span books, newspapers, advertising supplements, images from television, mobile phones and the Internet. The world in which we live is fathomed in all its facets – culture, arts, history, fashion, work and day-to-day life, war and terrorism, all remerge in Anja Wiese's astute and incisive notation.

She records all these events journal-fashion, and navigates her subjects in a developmental process of thought over several pages. She uses semi-transparent paper and develops her drawings in a manner analogous to the copy-and-paste procedure, layer by layer, varying her motifs, extending her narratives.

(From: Katalog: Anja WIESE | AUS GEZEICHNET, Text: Gisela Elbracht-Iglhaut)

Schiffamtsgasse 17, A 1020 Vienna/ Austria/ Europe
(Accsessible by U2 Taborstrasse and/ or U4 Schottenring/ Exit U2 Herminengasse)
Phone: +43 676 3409218, Email:
Due to Corona requirements, only up to 15 people will be allowed into the room at the same time, 20 people in courtyard/ garden and 25 people are allowed to gather on the sidewalk. We would also like to ask all visitors to keep a distance of at least 1 m from each other and to wear a facemask. Disinfection options are provided and the hygiene regulations are observed. Unfortunately, the toilet in the stairwell cannot be used.