Christine ULM
Exhibition and Installation

OPENING: Friday OCTOBER 21th, 2022, 7:00 PM

Preface: Gue SCHMIDT (project room MAG3)

On the artist and her work: Chris ZINTZEN (panAm productions)

DURATION: 21.10.- 16.11.2022
OPENING HOURS: TUES. - FRI., 5:00 p.m.- 8:00 p.m.
When lying down, the superiority of being considered ends, sleep proves to be the victor over willpower.
Where are we when we're dreaming?
Beyond myth and mysticism, there are at least traces to be recognized: a pillow and many covers, discrete written objects, silence. (Chris Zintzen)
Dramatic reading with music: TUESDAY, November 8th, 2022, 7 p.m
"VILLON - Adored and Spited on"
Jörg DOPPELREITER - the immortal soul VILLON (lecturer)
Heinz MURNIG - the companion/death (pianist)
Provocative and at the same time humorous correspond pointed biographical texts and Villon's vicious ballads with musically coordinated concepts. The inspiring spontaneity of the instrumental interpretation and the pointed performance guarantee an exciting scenic reading about the frivolous and dissolute life of François de Montcorbiere called VILLON.

Schiffamtsgasse 17, A 1020 Vienna/ Austria/ Europe
(Accsessible by U2 Taborstrasse and/ or U4 Schottenring/ Exit U2 Herminengasse)
Phone: +43 676 3409218, Email:
The event takes place in accordance with the current safety regulations.