MAG3 |
Lotte LYON | hard opening |
Exhibition and Installation |
OPENING: Friday JULY 9, 2021, 7:00 PM Preface: Gue SCHMIDT (MAG3) To the works: Chris ZINTZEN (Cultural scientist) |
DURATION: OPENING HOURS: TUES. FRI., 5:00 p.m.- 8:00 p.m. |
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Lotte Lyon mainly works in three distinct artistic genres. One is the creation of sculpture made of wood or plywood, basically maintaining rectangular, box-like shapes. The other is a series of photographic records of the spatial arrangements of three-dimensional structures made of such neutral or readymade objects as pieces of paper, chairs, and blankets. Drawing also constitutes an important domain, but the first two kinds of artistic production strongly indicate that Lyon works in the vein of Minimalism; her preference for simple, geometrical forms, limited use of color, simple technique and use of inexpensive everyday materials confirm her faithful observation of the basic Minimalist principles of the reduction of visual presentation to geometrical forms and the minimal demonstration of technical expertise, as well as the use of industrial materials. Lyons inheritance of Minimalism, however, is not limited to its formal characteristics; she attempts to reenact the power of Minimalist objects to sharpen the spectators perception, performance, and association by making her own alterations. For this purpose, she applies a unique method of inserting gestural or indexical elements into her geometrical constructions. The word gestural here refers to the ability of a small, concrete detail to indicate, by way of association and analogy, an action, an object, or a context beyond what is directly visible, by frequently connecting the present expression to human or natural conditions. Lyons sculpture, or three-dimensional objects, frequently present such details. (From: Midori Matsui | Between Object and Human Domain: Lotte Lyons Gestural Minimalism. I. Introduction: The Inheritance of Minimalism and Its Modification by the Indexical) |
projektroomMAG3 Schiffamtsgasse 17, A 1020 Vienna/ Austria/ Europe (Accsessible by U2 Taborstrasse and/ or U4 Schottenring/ Exit U2 Herminengasse) Phone: +43 676 3409218, Email: |