TUESDAY May 11, 2021 4:00 PM - 8:00 PM

* 5:00 PM * Andreas SPIEGL in conversation with CRISFOR on Video

DURATION: 11.05. - 28.05.2021
OPENING HOURS: THUE. - FRI., 4:00 p.m.- 7:00 p.m.

Andreas SPIEGL in conversation with CRISFOR

CAPRICCIO  She was European

The artists book She was European published in September 2020 is an object of art and at the same time the theme of the exhibition: 81 analogue double- exposures from different series dating from 2007 to 2017 (Capricci) form a novel in four chapters. When Alex Soth says, Photography is a language, CRISFOR adds, Images can be read. She was European refers to my origin and the photographed places, whose optical penetration creates pictures of new, fictional places. Like in a coming-of-age novel this process shows the increasing culturalisation and (due to the increase in tourism) museumisation of the continent.
The sequence of images from the pages of the book is projected to one wall of the room; the material object of art is the book. This concept refers on the one hand to the different ways of presentation in photography; on the other hand it is intended to thwart the current high-price addiction* of the art market: the object of art is a book that can be bought by everybody, on the wall there are the immaterial, volatile photographs.
*see Wolfgang Ullrich, The art of the winner, 2016.

Double exposures as smart heterotopies

Capriccio  this is the name of a tradition in graphic printing dedicated to the playful grotesque. In this tradition realism only plays a minor role but it reflects a lot of truth about the condition humaine in spite or just because of this intention. The artist Crisfor transfers this genre into the medium of photography. By double exposing the film material she finds the way to captivating constellations of images that give meaning to each other, criticise and caricature each other. The heterogeneity of images is complemented by hand-written texts. However, these texts do not create a new uniformity but take the ingenious play of this vibrating dialectics to further extremes. This is great, aesthetic fun but also an intelligent look at the world we live in. (publishers text Hatje Cantz)

Schiffamtsgasse 17, A 1020 Vienna/ Austria/ Europe
(Accsessible by U2 Taborstrasse and/ or U4 Schottenring/ Exit U2 Herminengasse)
Phone: +43 676 3409218, Email:
Due to Corona requirements, only up to 6 people will be allowed into the room at the same time. 10 people are allowed to gather on the sidewalk. We would also like to ask all visitors to keep a distance of at least 2m from each other and to wear a facemask (FFP2). Disinfection options are provided and the hygiene regulations are observed. Unfortunately, the toilet in the stairwell cannot be used.